Media Partner is the leading news property that publishes shareable breaking news, analysis, and research about the global biometrics market.
We provide the most original reporting and market research in the sector, vis-a-vis the Web and an exclusive daily newsletter, that focuses on global developments in biometrics technology, including: fingerprint identification, voice, iris, and facial recognition, civil and criminal ID and video surveillance. Our news coverage places special emphasis on national security, privacy and regulatory issues, along with examining the latest applications and advances in biometrics. Our global audience of 600k+ readers includes original equipment manufacturers, service providers, governments, law enforcement agencies, corporate buyers and industry professionals.


Tractica is a market intelligence firm that focuses on human interaction with technology. The company’s market research and consulting services provide industry participants and stakeholders with in-depth analysis of emerging technology trends, business issues, market drivers, and end-user demand dynamics across multiple application domains including home, mobile, health, automotive, enterprise, and industrial markets. Tractica’s global market coverage combines qualitative and quantitative research methodologies to provide a comprehensive view of the emerging market opportunities surrounding Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, User Interface Technologies, Wearable Devices, and Digital Health.


Biometrie-Online is a French portal designed to encourage and support the exchange of information on biometric technologies. The aim of Biometrie-Online is to act as a platform for the promotion and understanding of biometric technologies. Biometrie-Online provide free information on biometric solutions, vendor list, news, useful links, events list and a discussion group.




成立于2006年7月的与非网传媒(EEFOCUS Media),信奉“专家主持、网友共建、媒体搭台”的建站理念,至今已建成定位迥异、主题鲜明、分工各异的6大独立网站,全面覆盖从“设计原理”、“器件选择”到“系统电路”的专业信息链条;同时,与非网借助国际主流半导体企业的资源支持,携手本土技术精英打造了20余个深受工程师欢迎的细分化主题技术社区,定期组织技术讲座、新品试用、板卡测评、资料分享、设计竞赛等形式多样的线上、线下活动。凭借丰富的原创内容、完善的学习资料、资深的技术精英团队,以及“分享、共赢”的开放理念,今日的与非网传媒聚集了200万专业注册用户,月均浏览量高达600万PV,深受本土电子工程师的喜爱和信赖。